Baked Ham and Noodles | Barbecued Pork Chops - Micro | Honey Mustard Pork Chops | HoneyBaked Breakfast Casserole | Party Pork, Chinese Style | Pineapple Glaze for Ham | Pork Chops and Baked Beans | Pork Chops-Potato Casserole | Roast Pork w/Fruit Sauce | Roast Pork w/Sweet Potatoes | Southwestern Ribs | Tangy Pork Chops | Tourtiere


Pork Entrees
Pork Chops-Potato Casserole

2 cans mushroom soup
1 large pkg. dry onion soup mix
4 or 5 large potatoes
6 to 10 pork chops

Mix mushroom soup with 2 cans water in a large casserole. Stir in dry onion soup mix. Slice potatoes. Salt and pepper potatoes (optional). Place potatoes in soup.

Trim fat from pork chops. (You can also remove the bones.)
Beat and lightly brown chops. Drain on paper towels. Add chops to potato/soup mixture. Bake at 400 degrees for one hour or until potatoes are tender.

*Note: If there are leftovers, add a small amount of water to the casserole, cover with foil, and reheat slowly.

Variation: Omit pork chops and just make potato casserole.