Baked Hen w/Cranberry Pan Gravy | Baked Parmesan Chicken | Basil Grilled Chicken | Chicken Almond Skillet | Chicken Almondine | Chicken Cacciatore | Chicken Confetti | Chicken Dijon | Chicken Italiano | Honey-Mustard Sauce | Honey-Nut Chicken Stir-fry | Hot 'n Tangy Garlic Chicken | Italian Chicken | Lemon Honey Chicken 'n Stuffing | Low-fat Chicken Gravy | Molded Chicken | Orange Chicken 'n Rice | Roast Turkey w/Giblet Gravy | Sassy Lemon Herb Chicken | Sausage Stuffing | Skillet Herb Roasted Chicken | Sweet 'n Sour Chicken | Swiss Chicken Thighs | Terriyaki Honey Chicken


Molded Chicken

This is another of my mom's recipes.  Her note says:  This is best made a day ahead, and it will keep for several days in refrigerator.  It's very rich, so serve in small portions, larger if used as the entree for a luncheon.  Thanks, Mom.

3/4 cup boiling hot chicken broth (can be made with bouillon)
1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon jello
1 cup cold broth
1-1/2 cups cooked diced chicken
3/4 cup diced celery
1/2 cup sliced green onion
1/2 cup mayonnaise
3 tablespoons minced red pepper or pimiento
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
Add hot broth to jello and stir to dissolve.  Add cold broth and remaining ingredients.  Pour into a 9" x 9" dish.  Cover and chill.  Cut and serve on lettuce leaves.
Serves 16.