All-Around Good Cookies | Almond Toffee Triangles | Apple Cookies | Butter Cookies | Butterscotch Cookies | Chewy Brownie Cookies | Chocolate Drop Cookies | Chocolate Peanut Butter Mickey Mouse Cookies | Christmas Meringue Cookies | Coconut Scotties | Cottage Cheese Cookies | Date Pinwheels | Easy Rich and Chewy Halloween Cookies | Giant Raisin Bran Cookies | Gingerbread Cookies | Gingersnaps | Hermits | Lemon Sugar Cookies | Molasses Drop Cookies | Oatmeal Raisin Cookies | Old-Fashioned Lace Cookies | Old-Fashioned Teacakes | Peanut Butter Cookies | Peanut Butter Cookies (2) | Peanut Butter-Oatmeal Cookies | Pumpkin Drop Cookies | Rum Cookies | Soft and Chewy Cookies | Spiced Oatmeal Raisin Cookies | Walnut-Applesauce Cookies | Walnut Crescents | White Chip Chocolate Cookies


Christmas Meringue Cookies

4 egg whites
1-1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 lb. almonds, blanched and shaved
1/2 lb. moist candied citron, finely chopped

Beat egg whites until very stiff. Gradually add the sugar, continuing to beat with an egg whip. Turn mixture into top of double boiler, and stir constantly over boiling water until mixture is just warm. Remove from heat and fold in the cinnamon, almonds and citron carefully, until just blended. Drop by scant teaspoonfuls onto clean brown or white wrapping paper which has been greased with melted butter. Bake in a moderately slow oven (325 deg.) for 25 minutes, or until very delicately browned. Brush underside of paper with water and remove cookies carefully by running a spatula under them.

Makes about 5 dozen cookies.