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Side Dishes
Rice with Vermicelli

This is a published Minute Original Rice recipe.

1/4 cup margarine or butter
1/2 cup broken pieces of vermicelli
2 cups water
2 beef bouillon cubes
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1-1/2 cups Minute Original Rice, uncooked
Chopped parsley (optional)
Melt margarine in medium saucepan on medium heat.  Add vermicelli; cook and stir until golden brown.
Add water, bouillon cubes, garlic powder, and pepper.  Bring to boil.  Stir in rice; cover.  Remove from heat.  Let stand 5 minutes.  Fluff with fork.  Sprinkle with chopped parsley, if desired.
Makes 3 cups or 6 servings.