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Welcome to my recipes site!

Cooking and eating good food has always been one of the great pleasures of my life. On this site I've tried to assemble some of my favorite recipes, both so I can keep track of them myself and so that others can share them.

Some of these recipes have been sent to me by friends. I tried them and quickly added them to my favorites. If you have a favorite recipe, let me know. I would be happy to add it to this collection.

Some of them are old family recipes. I will warn you that these recipes use butter, sugar, eggs, and milk.

For several years, I have jotted down good recipes from cans, packages, etc. So if you are looking for a recipe that is no longer available on some products, you may find it in here. All recipes that use brand names are names that are registered trademarks and have been copyrighted by those companies.

The site will be under construction for quite a while, so come back often to see what I have added. Be sure to check the pages for links to more recipes in each catagory. There are so many recipes, I'm setting up different sites. You will be able to return to this page from there.

I will be reworking this site frequently, so please be patient.

Please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of my site.

Also feel free to contribute to this site with your own tips and recipes.



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