Chili Sauce | Crabapple Jelly | Quick Orange Marmalade | 7-Minute Strawberry Preserves


Crabapple Jelly

After you make the jelly, you can use the leftover pulp to make crabapple jam, so I am putting both recipes on this page.

Use barely ripe crabapples. Wash and remove stem and blossom ends. Cut apples in quarters, remove blemishes and put into a 4-quart kettle with just enough water to cover, about 6 cups. Cover and simmer until very soft, about 1 hour. Turn into jelly bag or pouch made of 2 or 3 thicknesses of cheesecloth, and let drip for 2 or 3 hours. Do NOT squeeze bag.

Measure juice and add an equal amount of sugar. Stir well. Boil rapidly in a wide, 4-quart kettle until jelly sheets from a metal spoon - 2 drops run together on edge of spoon and form a thin sheet which quickly breaks away. This requires about 15 minutes of boiling. Remove from heat; quickly skim and pour into hot sterilized jelly glasses. Cover with hot melted paraffin.

Makes about 8 cups.


Crabapple Jam

Rub the pulp left in jelly bag through a sieve or food mill. Measure and add an equal amount of sugar. Cook with frequent stirring to a thick jam-like consistency, about 10 minutes. Pour into hot sterilized glasses, seal and store like jelly. This makes a pleasing spread similar to apple butter.